Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Publishing may never be the same...

Corporate Sponsor+ Amazon Kindle Download= Free book. I would imagine this makes print publishers very very nervous.

in reference to:

"Do the Work is a logical outgrowth of the writing in The War of Art, but it’s quite clearly a manifesto, a short, powerful, memorable rant on what it means to do work that matters. This book is so important, I’d like everyone to read it again and again."
- Changing the game: Do the Work is free for now (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Your Incredible Life: Truly a transformation

Hey, I'm really proud of my friend Rob taking responsibility for his health and nutrition... Losing 30 lbs in just a few months and looking great man! Folks be encouraged, you can change... One choice and one day at a time...

Check out his blog at...
Your Incredible Life: Truly a transformation: "September 9, 2010 was a turning point in my life. It was the day, or night to be specific, that I made the decision to begin taking better c..."