Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's a small world after all...

Today, I spoke to our team across all the timezones in the US in one simultaneous screen sharing conference call. Then later in the day I was on Skype, having IM conversations with great people in Guatemala and Israel simultaneously... Amazing...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bring A Blessing to Children in Nicaragua This Christmas!

I’d like to share with you an opportunity. Good things are worth sharing in our journey of faith... I invite you to take this opportunity to join us and help us minister to ‘the least of these’.

In 2007, I first went with to Nicaragua with Tim Skinner and a great group of men! This December, I'm exciting to return with a group that includes my son Jordan!!

The PROJECT: Christmas Gift Bag Distribution and feeding programs and documentary work in coordination with Vision Nicaragua and “Children of Destiny” orphanages with Missionary Sandy Carter.

My challenge to you:

· To Pray as the Holy Spirit directs

· To Give as God prompts

· To consider going on a future trip this Spring or Summer

· To share this opportunity to make a difference with others

Locations in Nicaragua: Bethel, Managua, Jinotega, Los-Cedros, Los Brasilias

When: Dec 5th through the 13th

Cost per team member (all inclusive): $1500. Includes: Materials & supplies for the feeding locations/orphanage, flight, food, housing, resources for the children of Nicaragua, supplies for the Christmas outreaches.

Mission/Ministry focus: Reaching remote communities and orphanages with the love of Jesus and Vision Nicaragua Christmas Gift Bags-food and blessing with resources, building relationships with the Nicaraguan people, and providing ministry/celebration time for the kids at the orphanage and pre school feeding center.

Additional goals: Bringing all of our supporters and friends and family along on the internet via Facebook, Youtube my blog at and the blog!!! Documenting the work of VisionNicaragua and the missionaries and organizations doing great work in Nicaragua!

Go with us in prayer! I really covet your prayers. I recognize prayer is the ‘air cover’ without the ‘airfare’. Many of you are on this list specifically because I know you are prayer warriors. I will confess I am still a bit anxious about being away from family and our internet retail business in December. My prayer is that the business will be stronger and even more profitable as a result and will help provide for many more such trips.

Be a part of the team by giving financially as the Holy Spirit prompts. Many of you know the team and the mission we are visiting and your giving will go directly to benefit the children. This mission will be to complete a feeding location, kitchen and shelter where the children will be fed and led by a team of Nicaraguans. During feeding times, the leaders also share the Gospel the love of Christ with the children and give hope...

Checks made out to:

My Church: Highland Christian Church


Our sending organization: Vision Nicaragua or give online at

I do apologize for the short notice; our departure is only weeks away (Dec 5th). If you want to invest in the future of Nicaragua, please send your check today to:

Vision Nicaragua
PO Box 2172
Fairview NC 28730

In the note line of your check please simply mark the word “December Missions Trip”. Please do not put my name on the check.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:26-27 (NKJV)

'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matt 25:30 (NIV)